★hotstar★ The Silence of the Lambs 1991 Movie Download In Italiano

Audience score=1162483 vote; Release date=1991; The Silence of the Lambs is a movie starring Jodie Foster, Anthony Hopkins, and Lawrence A. Bonney. A young F.B.I. cadet must receive the help of an incarcerated and manipulative cannibal killer to help catch another serial killer; genre=Drama; countries=USA; Thomas Harris






"Silence of the Lambs" is by no means an easy film to watch. The whole film has an aura of evil and psychotic power. Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster) is a rising star in the FBI. Her supervisor and teacher assigns her to interview the infamous Dr. Hannibal Lecter, A.K.A. "Hannibal the Cannibal" Anthony Hopkins) a a veteran serial killer, a former psychologist, and a rare living psychopath. Starling is assigned to interview Hannibal because of a new serial killer in the public dubbed Buffalo Bill, because he "likes to skin his humps. The FBI suspects that the secret of Bill's compulsive killing is somewhere inside the mind of Hannibal. The movie is tense, long, and brutal, but you feel the fear and desperation of the victims and the interest/fear of Agent Starling. This is a truly disturbing movie though, and I don't think that anyone of the age of twelve could handle it.

Silence of the Lambs is a psychological thriller that positions its most dangerous (and interesting) character in a prison cell for much of the screen time, so his character can be shown through intuitions, subtext, hindsight narrative and general creepiness.
That character is Anthony Hopkins as "Hannibal Lecter" a cultured psychiatrist imprisoned among psychiatric criminal scum who longs for decent human contact or escape, except he himself has a history of killing people and eating the mutilated parts.
All of this is described off-screen, and the film doesn't indulge in unpleasant gore or cheap shock effects - the films main secondary character is Buffalo Bill, a man who applied for gender reassignment, but Lecter explains he was repeatedly denied on basis of his psychological profile. Due to repeated abusive childhood trauma, has become an anonymous, dysfunctional recluse who randomly assaults and kills women. Lecter suggests that his victimhood narrative contributes to his inhumane treatment of others, he drops other details and secrets about the killer but isn't fully cooperative about providing a complete psychological profile of the killer due to the indignity of his life in prison.
Clarise Starling is an FBI rookie, chosen for her attractiveness, to get information from Hannibal Lecter on his former patient and contact Buffalo Bill. The reverse-symbolism of having Dr Lecter behind bars whilst Starling is just beyond them is a brilliant bit of staging, as much of the film's subtext is about the gender coding of behaviour, identity and social roles.
Its also genuinely scary, but mostly on the level of dialogue and performance, Silence of the Lambs is rightly considered one of the best films of all time in the drama/thriller/psychological horror category, also the police procedural scenes are taut and realistic, or as realistic as you could expect. A second underlying theme of the piece is that the state ultimately protects its own interests, but is unable in the last instance to truly protect the public from crime.
There is a 'happy ending' of sorts in the picture, in that Starling, a lone female FBI agent in a predominantly male service, overcomes a male aggressor mentally and physically. An empowering ending that's more of a relief than an actual closure.
Silence of the Lambs is brilliant, but also the hubbub surrounding the films release and its subsequent awards greenlit some terrible sequels where this movie's lead, director and screenwriter didn't even contribute. Some audience members aren't aware but this film bares similarities to the previous Thomas Harris adaptation "Manhunter" released as a film in 1986. Later films in the "series" are a pointless cash-in on the famous character Anthony Hopkins embodies in this film.










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